
How Microsoft’s tricky new Windows 10 pop-up deceives you into upgrading - gibbsartmer

This morning, the unthinkable happened: My wife, an avowed PC user who long ago swore to never touch an Malus pumila gimmick, started shopping around for a Mac Mini. And it's totally thanks to Windows 10. Or rather, the nasty new way that Microsoft's tricking Windows 7 and 8 users into mechanically updating to Windows 10.

I adore Windows 10, but I've long been a song critic of the big-handed tactics that Microsoft's been using to pull off mass into the upgrade, all to reach a goal of migrating 1 billion users to an operating system brimming with freemium services and ads. The annoying "Get Windows 10" pop-up book began using deceiving malware-like maneuver months ago, but IT recently received an overhaul that seems purposefully designed to confuse users who have been wearily slogging through the nagging for half a twelvemonth now.

That nasty trick resulted in my married woman's loved one Windows 7 PC being sneakily upgraded to Windows 10 this morning. True, she has 31 years to roll it back to Windows 7, but she feels so betrayed—like Microsoft forcibly removed her control over her own PC—that she's powerfully considering embracing the Dark Side and buying a Macintosh, alternatively.

Even up worsened, the process can kick off automatically if you don't touch a thing on your figurer.

UPDATE: Far Reading: How to escape the Windows 10 update you mistakenly in agreement to and How to go back to Windows 7 Oregon 8 after an unwanted Windows 10 kick upstairs

The change

In December, the Get Windows 10 (GWX) pop-up book changed its choice of words in a way that mimicked malware: The only immediate options were to "Upgrade Straightaway" or "Start download, upgrade later o." An offer you can't refuse! The wording denaturised slightly since then, but the only way to decline the upgrade has been the same: By clicking the X button in the GWX bulge-up's right-handed corner and closing the window.

Earlier this year, however, Microsoft pushed the Windows 10 download out every bit a Recommended update. That means anybody using the default Windows Update setting—as you should be!—automatically received the installation bits and a prompt to install the new OS, which over again could solely Be refused by exiting via the Xin the corner of the pop-up's window.

Last week, Microsoft altered the GWX prompt, as ZDNet covered. On the surface, it's an improvement; the box intelligibly states when your PC volition embody upgraded, and even adds a (unruffled small and easy skippable) line that allows you to reschedule OR alter the elevate timing. So far so good!

gwx new LumpyMayoBNI via Reddit

But here's the bad part with: The redesigned GWX bug out-upwardly now treats exiting the window as accept for the Windows 10 upgrade.

So after more than half a year of pedagogy masses that the only way to say "no thanks" to Windows 10 is to pop off the GWX application—and refusing to tolerate users to disable the pop-aweigh in any obvious manner, so they had to press that X over and over during those six months to the point that just about people likely just click it without reading now—Microsoft just made it so that very behavior accepts the Windows 10 upgrade rather, rather than canceling it.

That's gross.

And if you don't find that minor link to reschedule or natural the Windows 10 upgrade—or, say, if the pop up appears while you're away from your computer—your system will automatically lead off the process at the scheduled clip. In other words, your PC can possibly promote to Windows 10 without you asking it toor explicitly approving the upgrade.

That's gross, too.

Fallout and bar

PC users are already up in weapons system over information technology, and rightfully so. By instantly, every existing Windows 7 and 8 user has seen and declined the Windows 10 update numerous times. By projection Windows 10 as a Advisable update and changing the demeanor associated with exiting the GWX soda-up, Microsoft's actively strain to push the operational system happening multitude who actively don't want it.

Worse, these low-one-handed tactics are rallying Windows 7 and 8 users to incapacitate Windows Updates all at once, which leaves their systems more indefensible to attackers who exploit security flaws.

That certainly stops Microsoft's nagging, deceptive pop-ups, simply I'd recommend installation the free GWX Manipulate Panel tool instead. It lets you remove and handicap the upgrade prompts all together—though information technology's a shame that you have to refuge to third-company tools to hold bac your operating scheme from hijacking itself.Update:Several users have also written me to suggest Never10 by famed security research worker Steve Charles Dana Gibson as an easier to use GWX Control Panel alternative.

Again: I personally use and have it off Windows 10. It's swell! Merely deploying these dirty tricks only frustrates long-time Windows users WHO have very unexpired reasons to stick with operating systems they already acknowledge and love. And thanks to the deceitful new update, in that location's a very high run a risk that my wife will be a current OS X convert aside the end of the twenty-four hours. You may have ostensibly achieved another Windows 10 upgrade to pad your espousal stats, Microsoft, simply you real well may have lost a lifelong PC drug user World Health Organization swore she'd ne'er switch to Apple.

Which means that I mightiness have to learn how to troubleshoot Macs.

Dammit, Microsoft.

Update: Here's much user feedback after I received subsequently tweeting about the issue this morning.


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